
Saturday, 29 April 2017

"Instant Ranking" how to Rank you Site Website to Top 1 in Search Egine in just 10 minutes of your Time!!!

2O5 Google’s Ranking Factors Every SEO Writer Should Know!
SEO writers should know that Google has ranking factors, which are their algorithms for ranking of contents in the search Engine, many SEO writers today don’t know the ranking factors that is why they find it difficult to rank high in the search engine, I want to unveil the secret of how the most rank blogger got there keep on reading if you want your contents, article, as many as you can mention to rank high. few months ago I stumble across a post by Brian Dean which he titled Google’s 200 Ranking factors which he explain each one that he mention, but I will show you the application of the most important once, Research connotes that Google has over 200 ranking factors which some have being confirm to be true, while some have not being agreed on (controversial) and the rest  are SEO nerd speculation, read on the updated list is here…
  • Domain Elements:

  1. Domain age (How old is the domain) years back in 2010 Matt Cutts said that the domain aging the is not that important, with good and quality content you are good to go, now the question is how can we have good and quality content? The answer to this question is, peradventure you may be writing epic of content that you feel is good but no one is looking or reading it fine, it happen to any new SEO writer all you need to do is to is:                                                -Find proven content that have been posted maybe 6 months back or a year back, make it longer                 -Give more meaning to it, more in-depth                -Make it immediately actionable, and the step to take. Enter the your niche on Google and take note of the top performing pages the first 4 on google search, take their URL and enter it in open site explorer to check the once that have the highest social shares, read those content, not copywriting but make them more in-depth more advanced more actionable, it may take you days but after exploring on it consider your page at the top of Google Ranking. 
  1. Keyword usages in domain, in this aspect it is of positive effect that can make you site easy to crawl and remember like the example shown below. Keyword in URL exampleNow look at this one that cannot be easily remembered. Easier to link to
  1. Keyword at the beginning of domain. Putting your keyword phrase at the beginning of the URL adds more impart than putting it at the end of the URL, putting it at the beginning make Google to crawl your domain easily when people search on keyword that are related to your domain.

  1. Keyword appearing in the sub domain. Including keyword in the sub domain is very important,  Moz’s panel in the year 2011 agreed that keyword appearing in sub domain can help boost Rankings.

  1. History of Domain. The history of your domain determines how Google will classify your site either “good” or “bad” Google uses this algorithm to rank your site in all aspect.

  1. Exact match domain Google Ranking factor (EMD). Google uses this algorithm to reduce ranking a low quality site having an EMD.
    Google EMD Update
  1. “Seat of judgment” private versus public whols; however Google has never being partial Mutt Cutt  quoted, “…When I checked the whois on them, they all had “whois privacy protection service” on them. That’s relatively unusual. …Having whois privacy turned on isn’t automatically bad, but once you get several of these factors all together, you’re often talking about a very different type of webmaster than the fellow who just has a single site or so.” how to overcome this is you must be genuine in all your dealing with search Engine.

  1. Punishment for whols owners; if Google find out that some one that he or she is a spam, Google will use this algorithm to penalize property owned by that person. Be honest…

  1. Country code TLD e.g. (.ca, .uk, .ng, .gh etc..)   Country code boosts the ranking of that site in it specified region, but not globally.   
                               On-page level factors optimization
  1. Title containing keyword; this is a smart move of getting rank high as a great SEO, it boost the ranking of your page SEO.

  1. Keyword at the beginning of title tag; according to Moz state that keyword at the beginning of title tag perform more than the keyword at the end of title tag, how to do this? is to  make sure that the keyword of a content appear at the beginning not at the end for a good ranking of you content as a SEO writer.

  1. Keyword in the description tag; it is not all that relevant and not of great important, but can help to boost you ranking.

  1. H1 tag containing keyword; This are the second title tag and Google use it to boost the ranking of a content when keyword are found there. According to correlation study result 

  1. Oftentimes used keyword in phrase document; frequent usage of keyword can boost ranking but don’t go overbroad because It can also make your content to suffer.

  1. The length of content; contents with longer word will be more highly ranked than the once of shorter word. SERPIQ discover that content length correlated with SERP position:                                                       

  1. Density of keyword; Google uses this keyword density as an algorithm for ranking of content, but it is not advisable in using the keyword frequently it can also add negative effect on SEO ranking.

  1. Latent semantic indexing of keyword in content;  LSI help search engine to understand keyword having more than one meaning, it also send useful signal to search engine to better understand the content in question.
  1. Latent semantic indexing of Keywords in Title and Description Tags:    keywords in meta descriptions and title tag helps Google spider to discern between synonyms and as aa result of this increases SEO rankings.  

  1. Content duplication: always say no to copy and paste or duplicating of content because it effect negatively in SEO ranking.

  1. HTML page loading speed: search engines like Bing and Google use this algorithm to increase the ranking of a page that have high speed loading

  1. Chrome via loading of a page scheme: sometime Google use the speed loading scheme of chrome user to compare the loading of other pages.

  1. The Rel=Canonical: the usage of this tag will prevent Google from considering content duplicated.

  1. Image optimization as an on-page ranking factor: image optimization with caption, title, description will boost the SEO ranking.  

  1. Recent and regular update of content: recent and updated content are more consider by search engine spider.

  1. The magnitude of the content that is updated: the search engine read the update that is made to the updated content, for search engine to note the updated content it depend on the quality of the change made.

  1. Past updates page update: this determines the freshness of a content how often it has being updated, whether daily, monthly, year or interval of 4-5 years.  

  1. Importance of keyword: make the keyword to appear in the first 100 word of a content it add more advantage to the SEO ranking.

  1. H1 and H2 tag containing keywords: it is of great relevance if the keyword is found in the subheading tag for SEO ranking.

  1. Order of keyword: according to Brain Dean states that; An exact match of a searcher’s keyword in a page’s content will generally rank better than the same keyword phrase in a different order. For example: consider a search for: “cat shaving techniques”. A page optimized for the phrase “cat shaving techniques” will rank better than a page optimized for “techniques for shaving a cat”. This is a good illustration of why keyword research is really, really important.  

  1. Outbound link quality: some SEO writer believes that linking to trusted authority may enable Google to trust them too.

  1. Outbound for link theme: according to  Moz says that search engines use the content of the pages you link, as a relevancy signal. If you have a page related to mobile devices that links to movie-pages, then this may tell Google that your page is about movie cars, not the automobile.

  1. Grammar and spelling of keyword in a content: it is good to ensure that all spelling and grammar are properly in place for SEO ranking; although Cutts gave mixed messages in 2011 on whether or not this was important. 
  1. Syndicate content: spinning of content is not a good idea because Google will rank such content low and may even penalize such content. So be genuine in all you write as a SEO writer.

  1. Important of supplementary content: according to Brian Dean and According to a now-public Google Rater Guidelines Document, helpful supplementary content is an indicator of a page’s quality (and therefore, Google ranking). Examples include currency converters, loan interest calculators and interactive recipes. These supplementary contents add more value to a page’s quality for high SEO ranking.

  1. Number of internal link on a page:  the number of internal link on a page point it advantage to other pages in the site.

  1. Number of outbound links: excess dofollow outbound links may cause negative effect on rank if there is “leakage” 

  1. Media of communication: for a site to rank high, the site should contain some texts, images, graphics, videos and much more for a better ranking of the site.

  1. Internal link quality of the page:  according to Brian Dean; Internal links from authoritative pages on domain have a stronger effect than pages with no or low PR. 

  1. Broken links on a page: this very important, because broken links on a page sends invalid signer to Google, if Google fine out a site have many broken links like “error 404” this may reduce the ranking of that site and as a result of that Google may abandon that site, The Google Rater Guidelines Document uses broken links as one was to assess a homepage’s quality.

  1. Duration of Readability of content: write content in an easy way with simple Language that can be readable by visitors, because if the content are readable the duration of the visitor will be use to rank that site.

  1. Affiliated links: affiliated links do not actually reduces SEO ranking but let it not be too many, because Google will analyze whether is a trusted site or not.

  1. Errors of HTML: HTML coding errors in a site indicates a low quality site and reduces the ranking of that particular site, many SEO expert believe that is a major point of weakness.

  1. Page Host’s Domain Authority: according to Brian Dean said; “All things being equal, a page on an authoritative domain will rank higher than a page on a domain with less authority” so it is no partiality.
  1. Ranking of the pages page Rank: the truth is that a page with higher PR tend to rank high than the page with low PR

  1. Length of the URL: Search engine journal state that site with shorter URL rank higher than the one with longer URL because the shorter URL is more visible in the search engine.  

  1. URL path: the closer a page is to it homepage the more visible it will be before the search engine.

  1. Edited by humans: the fact is that it has not being really confirmed, but Google has filed a patent for a system that allows human editors to influence the SERPs. 

  1. Important of page category: it is of great relevance  that a page in question be found in a similar category, for instants someone is search on a keyword “food” which category will it attract food related category, so ensure that all the site is well categorize.

  1. Tags of Wordpress: wordpress tag has relevance signer according to “The only way it improves your SEO is by relating one piece of content to another, and more specifically a group of posts to each other.”

  1. Keyword in URL: this is another important factor that make a site to rank high in search engine, adding of keyword to and URL for instant,, or etc..

  1. URL String:  the categories in the URL string Google reads it to provide a very sensitive signal to better understand what that page is all about, as Brian Dean illustrated below.
  1. Sources and references: As a SEO writer having a quality content with is the determined by the source of which that information is being gotten. However Google denies using such external links to help in SEO ranking.

  1. Numbering and Bulleting: enable readers of content to adhere also about the content while scanning it, Google use bulletin and numbering to rank a site too.

  1. Priority of a page having sitemap: the Priority of a page is given via sitemap.xml file that may influence ranking of that page.  

  1. Outbound links in excess: excess outbound links in pages may cause negative effect on ranking.

  1.   Age of page: fresh content are highly favored by Google but older page that is regularly update perform much better than the newer one.

  1. Page rank with quantities of other keywords: if a page is rank high because of some alternative competitive keywords, Google receive a signer and it boost the SEO ranking.

  1. Friendly layout for users: visitor to a site will stay for a long duration of time if the layout is friendly to them and the SEO ranking of that site will be very high. My advice make your layout friendly for easy navigation of the site.

  1. Parked Domains: A Google update in December of 2011 decreased search visibility of parked domains.

  1. Essential content: one of backlinko reader Jared Carrizales noted that Google has the ability to distinguish between “quality content” and “useful content”. Google as a company they are very sensitive. My advice make sure you publish a quality and useful content for high SEO ranking.  

                        Site-Level factor (increase site SEO ranking) 
  1. Unique and quality content: Google is no more interested in content that are not informative and useful. My advice writer a quality content that can add more positive valve to the public, then you are go to go.

  1. The contact us page importance in a site: Google accredits a site for high ranking if there is contact us page in a site. My advice make sure your site have this contact us page very important.

  1. Trust rank/ Domain trust: according to Brian Dean; Site trust is measured by the number of links your site is away from highly trusted seed sites. This is of immense importance when it comes to SEO ranking.
  1. Architecture of a site: an understandable architecture will enable Google to crawl and organize the content of a website well  for SEO ranking. My advice have a good site architecture.

  1. Updating of website: always update a site with new, fresh and relevant content because it adds more bone to the site for a higher ranking.

  1. Number of pages: the more a site have many pages the weaker the site become, the more pages the more difficult to navigate. My advices don’t have too much pages in your website.

  1. Sitemap important: Google use the sitemap of a site to locate keyword search of content in a page, which will enable the site to be visible in search engine. My advice summit the sitemap of your site to Google search Console.

  1. Site Uptime: In site maintenance if it take longer time to upload it may cause degrading of that site.

  1. Server Location: According to Brian Dean; Server location may influence where your site ranks in different geographical regions. Especially important for geo-specific searches.

  1. The SSL certificate: Google prove that they index SSL certificate and use HTTPs as one of their ranking factor.

  1. Privacy and service term pages: this page tells Google that a site having such pages is trustworthy site in the internet. My advice is, make sure your site have all this pages in order for your site to be rank high.

  1. Meta Information duplication: if content are duplicated it will reduce the quality of that site it will no longer be visible to search engine.

  1. The breadcrumb navigation: this is an essential factor that tell the user search engine the location where they are in the website, it a site architect it also one of the most important ranking factor.

  1. Mobile optimization: The sites that don’t have mobile friendly may be penalized because Google has a thing of mobile friendly. My advice;  have a good site architecture for both mobile and windows in your site.

  1. YouTube: research have proof it that after Google panda is YouTube and preferential treatment in the SERPs in terms of traffic, so if you want to get more traffic to you website go for YouTube video creating.  

  1. Usability of site: if a site usability is poor Google will not prefer it all, and a site hard to navigate will have a low SEO ranking. My advices, try to make your site easy to navigate.

  1. Google webmaster tool and analysis: these two tools when installed will enhance the performance of the site to be rank highly.

  1. Feedback and reviews: according to Brian Dean clearly state that A site’s on review sites like and likely play an important role in the algorithm. Google even posted a rarely candid outline of their approach to user reviews after an eyeglass site was caught ripping off customers in an effort to get backlinks.  

                                      Backlink factors {SEO Ranking} 
  1. The Linking Domain Age:  are you aware that backlink from old domain are more powerful than new domain? The fact is that old domain performs more powerful than new domain. My advices try to get your backlink from old domain because it boost SEO ranking.

  1. Root Domain Linking: the number of referring domain is one of the most important ranking factors in Google algorithm that is even supported by Moz.

  1. Linking From Separate C-Class IP: Brian Dean quoted “Links from separate class-c IP addresses suggest a wider breadth of sites linking to you. It is an important factor for SEO ranking.

  1. Linking of Pages: linking page from domain or other can boost SEO ranking.

  1. Alt Tag for Image Links: Alt text is an image’s version of anchor text that will enable Google to identify images on search engine.

  1. Important of link from .Edu or .gov Domain:  the truth is that Google Mutt Cutts stated that it is not very important but it can add more value to SEO Ranking. 

  1. Authority of page link:  the Higher a page get more links from high authority site, the more chance it get to rank high in Google panda.
  1. Domain Linking Authority: Authority of linking domain is an important factor use by Google in SEO ranking.

  1. Competitor’s Link: get the Link of your competitors that is rank as the same in SERP because it add more value to your page keyword in getting SEO raking.

  1. Social Share of pages: this adds more value to link page that is socially shared either in Facebook or twitter.

  1. Links from Bad neighbors: try to avoid black Hat SEO because it will do more harm to a site than good, be genuine at all time.

  1. Guest posting: According to Brian Dean states that “   Although guest posting can be part of a white hat SEO campaign, links coming from guest posts — especially in an author bio area — may not be as valuable as a contextual link on the same page.   

  1. Link to a Domain Homepage that page Site on:  Link to a referral homepage plays a vital role in evaluating the site and link - weight.

  1. Links Nofollow: This very factor has being mark of arousing controversy, According to Brian Dean and Google’s official word on the matter is:
“In general, we don’t follow them.”
This suggests that they do…at least in certain cases. Having a certain % of nofollow links may also indicate a natural vs. unnatural link profile. My advice be moderate in all things you do for a better result of success.

  1. Diversity in Link type: the source of links, if the large percentages of the link come from single sources it is mark as web spam but diverse link from different source is a signal of natural link profile.

  1.  Sponsored Links or Other Words Around the Link: words like this stated below degrade a link value, “Sponsors” “link partners”   and “Sponsored links.” 

  1. Important of Contextual Links: links enclosed inside a page is more powerful than any other link elsewhere.

  1. Beyond Normal Limits of 309 Redirecting to the Page:   excessive link coming from 309 dilute some if not all the PR, stated in one of the webmaster help video

  1. Anchor Backlink Text:  actually this factor is not very important but Backlink of Anchor text sends relevant signal in SEO ranking.

  1. #Internal Link Anchor test importance’:  internal link Anchor text is more relevant when it come to SEO ranking, it weight diffeeret from Backlink Anchor text.

  1. “link Title Attribution”:   the link that is seen when hovering or lingering around a link, is an important signal, although not very important.

  1. “The Country TLD for Referring Domain”: a domain with country TLD domain, it improve the ranking of the website in it specified country.

  1. “Link Location in a content”:  the location of a link in a content is very important, link are the beginning of a content perform more than the link at the end of a content in SEO ranking. 

  1. ‘Link Location on a Page’: link enclosed in pages content is more relevant that the link placed at the footer or sidebar. My advices let your link be embedded in the pages content for high SEO ranking of that page.  

  1. Linking Domain Relevancy”:   SEO expert always us this strategy, by obtaining relevant links. The truth is that a link from a similar site is useful and powerful than the one of unrelated site. My advices, obtain links from a similar site to boost your SEO ranking.
  1. Page Link level Relevance: According to  The Hilltop Algorithm states that link from a page that’s closely tied to page’s content is more powerful than a link from an unrelated page.
  1. Text around Link Opinion: Google are very sensitive that they know the link in your site can be a sign of positive sentiment or negative review, in fact link with positive recommendation tend to be more preferable.

  1. Usage of Keywords in title: Google prefers a site with keyword in title and it also make Google to chose your site, using keyword in title is of great importance because it boost your SEO ranking.
  1. “positive Link Velocity”:  when a page has a positive link velocity it get a very high SERP boost, the factor is very essential in SERP boosting.

  1. Negative Link Velocity: Negative link velocity affect SERP boost and it may also degrade a site, be careful!

  1. “Hub page” Links: as it was stated by Aaron Wall “links from pages that are considered top resource/hubs on a certain topic get some relevant special treatment”.

  1. Linked use a Wikipedia Source : the truth is that such link are not advisable to be use, many people think that get a link from Wikipedia will earn them trust and little Authority In the eyes of search engine.

  1. Links From “Authority site”: links from Larger similar niche site are considered as “authority site” the boost in SEO ranking.
  1. “Backlink Age”: the older the backlink the more powerful it is and the more value it has.

  1. Co-occurrences of Words: the word that appear in a backlink are very important because it send signal to Google which enable Google to get a better understanding of that page in question, thus helping in search engine ranking.

  1. Splogs versus Link from Real Site: according to Brian Dean quoted; Due to the proliferation of blog networks, Google probably gives more weight to links coming from “real sites” than from fake blogs. They likely use brand and user-interaction signals to distinguish between the two. Google are very sensitive when it comes to online stuff.

  1. Importance of “Natural” Link Profile: a site with Natural link profile importance will be more durable to update and will be rank high. 

  1. The “Reciprocal link”: Google’s link scheme state that: excessive link exchanging, such should be avoided.

  1. “User Generated” content link: Google are very sensitive to the extent of identifying link that comes from UGC, Google use this algorithm when it come to SEO ranking. 

  1. “Link from 301”: links from 301 redirect may lose some value compared to direct and standard link.

  1. Microformats of “”:  pages that support microformats rank higher than the one that do not support microformat in page ranking, the pages with microformat boost in SERP CTR ranking.

  1. DMOZ listed: the majority believe that Google has a  little trust for DMOZ listed website.

  1. “Trust Rank” of Linking site: the trust you get is determined by the authority site or trustworthy site that is linking to you.

  1. The “Number of Outbound” Link: page ranking is very a considerable fact of Google ranking a page but with hundred of outbound link passes lesser PR than with a page of few outbound link.

  1. “Forum profile” link: Google have notice that many use forum link to get black hat SEO, they decide to devalue any forum profile link, linking to a page.

  1. “Word count” while linking content: linking content to a page is very important but longer word content link is more valuable than content with lesser word, like 2000 words vs 100 words, the longer one will be more valued.

  1. Linked content quality: content quality maters a lot, linking a well written content to a page has more value than content without quality. Try to link content that are well written to your page for a boost of the page ranking.
  1. “Site wide” Link: it has been confirmed by Matt Cutts that, Site wide link are compressed and as a result of that count as a single link.        
                                                      Google user interaction

  1. Bounce Rate: this factor is still on consideration it has not being concluded on; but many people say Bounce Rate does matter, as Google uses users to test a reliable site and to understand the likeability of a site, if the visitor skip the site within seconds then the Bounce rate jump up negatively that may affect the ranking of that site.

  1. “Organic CTR” for a keyword: pages that have the highest click may get  SERP boost for that particular keyword and are judge by “click through rate” (CTR)

  1. All Keyword “Organic CTR”: according to Brian Dean A  webpage’s or website’s organic CTR for all keywords is ranks for may be a human-based and user interaction signal.

  1. Direct Traffic’: it have be proved and confirm by Google that they prefer direct traffic to a site as it determine the quality of website or webpage.

  1. Repeat Traffic: subscribers to a website that often revisit a site boost up the site ranking.

  1. Blocked site!: Google panda use this feature as a  quality signal, though Google have discontinue this feature but Google panda still use it.  

  1. Chrome Bookmarks: webpage that have chrome Bookmark will boost in ranking because Google collect the data of Chrome Bookmarks.

  1. Toolbar data of Google: According to Danny Goodwin of Search Engine quoted that Google uses Toolbar date for ranking a webpage, exception of WebPages loading speed and malware, the data they glean from toolbar date is unknown fact.

  1. Comment on WebPages: A good number of comments on a page send a good signal and also tell Google that the content on that page is of quality. And as a result of this boost the ranking of that page.

  1. Visitor “dwell time”: the time spent by visitors on a webpage is very important in ranking of that webpage; as a matter of fact get good content for your blog to rank high.

  1. QDF “Query Deserves Freshness”: Newer webpages with quality fresh content d give search engines the much deserved  boost.

139. “Query Deserves Diversity”: Google adds diversity when it come to SERP for evasive keywords like “WWF”, “Ted” etc

140. Browser History: Visitors to  websites oftentimes after signing in Google can get the much wanted SERP bump.

141. User “Search History”: Search chain can have an influence in search results for later searches. For instance when a visitor searches for reviews in general and  for toasters,  Google would more likely show toaster review sites higher in SERP boosting.

142. Geo “Targeting”: Special preferences are given to sites with “local server IP” and country-specific domain name extension.

143. Google+ Circles: Authors and sites added to Google + Circles gain more boost in Google ranking. Very important factor.

144. DMC Complaints: Google  ranks low a webpage with DMC Complaints, this factor is very sensitive be careful in all you do.

145. Safety Filter “Safe Search”:when safe search is Turn on, it will automatically turns off any adult content or sites using curse keywords.

146. Domain Diversity: it sometime affect negatively by overcrowding the place. Robot  Update has added more domains to SERP page. 

147. Transactional Searches: Google has a tendency to display different results for keywords related to buying of things online, like travelling searches etc.

148. Local Searches: Google plus local results are more valued than the “normal” organic SERPs.

149. Google “News Box”: some certain keywords that trigger Google News Box and considering of this factor can boost SEO ranking.

150. “Brand Preference”: Google are always found of giving big brands an extra liking with keyword that are short-tail.

151. Shopping “Results”: most time Google display Google Shopping results in organic SERP.

152. Image “Results”: Organic listing for image results for searches are used on Google Image Search, which actually does boost ranking. This factor is a very important factor too.

153. Easter “Egg Results”: as it was stated by Brian Dean that Google has a dozen or so Easter Egg results. For instance, when searching for “Atari Breakout” in Google image search, the search results turn into a playable game (!).  Shout out to Victor Pan for this one..

154. Single Site Results from Brands: Brand familiarized keywords and domains will get you several results from the same sites. Thus, giving more SEO ranking a boost.

Signals from social medial                                                                                                             
155. Number of Tweets: A good number of tweets a page  get add more influence in its ranking in Google. My advice share your content with your friends on social media it boost ranking.

156. Twitter Authority in User Accounts: Tweets from Twitter profiles with a huge number of followers are more influential than tweets coming from new and low influence accounts, as the number of followers matters to boost ranking. My advice get more influential geet them engage with your quality content to boost up your webpage ranking.

157. Facebook Likes: Facebook likes some people may say it worth nothing but it worth something in Google algorithm, but Google can’t see them, so the ranking influence is pretty low, in this account.

158. Facebook Shares: Share is similar to or just like a backlink. It is more important than likes, Facebook shares has a stronger influence in Google ranking.

159. Facebook Authority in “User Accounts”: Similar to Twitter, Facebook likes and shares coming from popular pages have a stronger influence for better SEO ranking.

160. Pinterest Pins: A lot of people I mean influential’s are on Pinterest,  Pinterest is extremely popular and Google considers this as an important “social signal”.

161. Vote for “Social Sharing websites”: Google use  sharing  websites like, Reddit, Digg and StumbleUpon and other social sites which Google use for social signal that are accountable for affecting SEO ranking.

162. Number of Google+1s: Google Matt Cutts has quoted that Google plus has no direct effect on search engine rankings. However, Google plus been abandon by Google, seems “unbelievable”.

163. Google plus “User Accounts Authority”: Google always weigh +1’s coming from authoritative accounts much more than those coming from accounts with few followers.
164. Known “Authorship:”  the truth is that, the authorship program of Google plus was shut down, but Google does at times use some form of authorship for determining good and influential content online to boost up SEO rankings.

165. Social Media and its Relevance: the truth is that Google uses relevant information from the account sharing content and also the text that surrounds the link.

166. Website Level “Social Signals”: The social signals of the site do increase the overall authority of the website, which can positively affect the search visibility for all its pages and contents. 

Brand signals

167. Brand Name in Anchor Text”:
The branded anchor text is some time simple, but it a very strong brand signal which cannot be neglected.

168. “Branded Search”:
Google is familiar with people searching for brands with keyword, and Google take them to the site.

169. Website with “Facebook Pages and Likes”:
Brands with linked Facebook pages do have a many likes and shares that boost brand trust.

170. Websites with “Twitter Profile and Followers”:
Twitter profiles having a lot of followers  boost brand popularity and as a result of that it positively affect search engines ranking.

171.LinkedIn “Company Page”:
Real businesses have company pages in LinkedIn making the more famous and more popular in every where.

172.” Employees Listed” in LinkedIn:
Individual LinkedIn profile that tent to work for a company boosts its brand value and increase it ranking.

173. Social Media Accounts and its Legitimacy:
Most Social media accounts having  numerous of followers in their profile, the truth is that few post are treated differently from  accounts that has the same number of followers with lots of interaction and communication.

174. Brand Name on “New Site”
It is a known fact that big brands get named on Google News web sites at all time and most of the brands have their own Google News Feed on their first page. This positively boosts SEO rankings.

175. Co-Citations
Some time Brand are being named or mention by Google without linking to them and Google looks at non-hyperlinked brand mentions as a brand signal for boosting SEO ranking.

176. RSS Subscribers
Google owns the popular Feedburner RSS service and therefore, the RSS Subscriber data is a popular brand signal for a high SEO ranking.

177. Office Location with Google plus “Local Listing”
Real businesses have offices and Google checks the location data to determine whether or not the site is a big brand to consider for SEO boost Ranking.

178. Website also,  are “ Tax-Paying Business”
According to Moz  quoted that Google does take in note whether the website is a tax paying business and this does count as a relevancy brand signal for Boosting of SEO ranking.

Off page webspam factors

179. The Panda Penalty
Website with content with no value Google panda do not consider such site at all. Such sites with poor content are hit by Panda penalty as a result of that may cause a negative effect on the website visibility.

180. Linking to Bad Neighbors
Bad links gotten from neighboring site may cause Google panda penalty, Linking to bad neighbors site such as loan sites or pharmacy websites can hit and hurt search visibility.

181. Redirecting: get noticed about sneaky redirects, very dangerous risk is involve beware  . say no to it. If your website gets caught, then it is not only penalized but de-indexed too!

182. “Popups” and other ads
Google Rater Guidelines Document is against popups and other advertisements which are distracting. This is a sign of a low-quality site and thus, negatively affects Google ranking. My advice don’t get popups ad on your site, use banner ad more preferable. 

183. “Over Optimization of Site”
Very important, don’t over optimize be moderate in all things, Factors like keyword stuffing, header tag stuffing and excessive keyword decoration leads to site over-optimization and can negatively affect ranking.

184. Page Over-Optimization
Page over-optimization is not good as Penguin targets individual pages, even if that is just for the usage of certain keywords. Say no to over optimization of page it may cause negative effect on your site in terms of visibility to search engines.

185. Advertisements “Above the Fold”
Are you aware of, “The Page Layout Algorithm” punished sites with ads and not much content above the fold? This is a factor that can affect SEO ranking take note of this.

186. Affiliated Sites
Google does not prefer affiliated websites and the websites which monetize with allot of affiliated links are under extra examination by Google.

187. Hiding Affiliate Links
When affiliated links are hidden with cloaking it will arouse more punishment of such site. 

188. Auto-generated Content
Google hate content that are generated with computer software, if conted is generated Google will penalize such content and de-indexing.

189. Excess of “Page Rank” Sculpting
Going far with “Page Rank” sculpting by not following outbound links or internal links is a sign of gaming the system and certainly not recommended if you are looking to boost page ranking, my advice use a normal procedure to get internal for your site.

190. IP Address Spam
If the server’s IP address is flagged for spamming, then this may actually hurt all the other sites on the server.

191. Meta Tag Spamming
Keyword stuffing can happen in meta tags. However, Google may take this addition of keywords to meta tags as gaming the algorithm, which may hit the site with a penalty.

Off-Page Web Spamming
192. Influx of Phony Links
Some Sudden and unnatural link influx is a sure-shot sign of phony links. Best avoided is a way of saving your site!

193. Penguin Penalty
Penalized website by Google has small or no visibility in Google search engine, and as a matter of fact it may cause Google to de-indexed that site.

194. Link Profile with Highest Number of “Low-Quality Links”
Black hat SEO may cause a website to be devalued by Google. Links that are derived from black hat SEO like blog comments and forum profiles are low quality links. This is a sign of scamming the system and can have a negative effect on ranking.

195. Linking” Domain Relevancy”
The Analysis from says that sites with an unnaturally high amount of links from unrelated sites are more capable to Penguin Punishment.

196. warning of  Unnatural Links
Tremendous number  of  Google Webmaster Tools notice of detected unnatural links messages are sent out by Google, that results a ranking drop. This can be very considerable.

197. Links from  “class C IP”
Some of the unnatural amount of links from sites on the same “server IP” is a signal of blog network link building, it may affect a site ranking.

198. Manual Penalty
Manual Penalty is one of the ranking factor that be alive  and Google are recognize for the Interflora fiasco.

199. Poison “Anchor Text”
this poison anchor text like pharmacy,  loan keywords it send a bad signal as of spamming or a fruad site. It will really poison and harm the website’s ranking.

200. “Selling Links”
Link selling can is very bad and it can hurt search visibility by having effect upon toolbar “PageRank”.

201. Google Sandbox
fresh websites that altually get some “influx of links” are in “Google Sandbox”, which can for a limited time  limit search visibility.

202. “Disavow Tool”
Disavoww tool is a very useful and good tool, it can remove any manual or algorithm penalty for sites that have been a victim of a very negative SEO.

203. Google Dance
Google Dance can might hinder the rankings and Google Patent says that “this is a way for determining whether the site is trying to game the algorithm or not”.

204. Reconsideration Request
Is your site penalized? Then a reconsideration request can lift you the penalty and make your site get going and be rank again.

205. Temporary Link Schemes – Say “NO” to it
Don’t go for temporary link because if Google finds out that your site is have temporary link they will consider it as a spammy link and as a result of that may cause your website to be affected negatively and may not be visible to, until you disavow those links.

In summary of all what have being mention and explained so far, there is not short way in the journey of success try to apply at least half of all what have being mention so far, the benefit will be very great. Invest your time to do that and you will see a result. Try to share it with your friends the SEO ranking factors are very important to every SEO writer.

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